Sunday, October 30, 2011

We are blessed

The children and I have truly been blessed through this pregnancy and through many other points in our lives that we have such a great Daddy on our home. He is a loving husband and wonderful father. As an example, yesterday he spent his Friday evening and Saturday morning helping Connie have a little sleepover birthday party, then spent all of his Saturday accomplishing tasks he normally would not even think about because I do them. He is so great!

At one point in the day, Ethan was playing on the Nintendo DS and asked Jason for help. It would have been so easy for Jason to say no or even to just take the DS and accomplish whatever it was that Ethan could not. Instead, this is what happened

He sat with Ethan and helped him do it himself. We love him so much!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

My Favorite Ethanisms

The more Ethan talks, the funnier he gets. Here are some of my favorite things he says...

WOOK! (said with great excitement because he wants you to see what he does)

When you tell Ethan he can\'t, or shouldn\'t do something he says "don\'t worry..." For example, the other day I told him there wasn\'t room for him to sit with me. He says, "don\'t worry, you will just scoot over."

He starts almost every sentence with "almost". For example, "almost Kylwr built this ship for me with Legos."

My favorite conversation I\'ve had with him lately though is this.
Ethan: "mom, you have to pick a movie for us to watch"
Me: after thinking a minute I say "Little Mermaid"
Ethan: with a sigh of disgust "that\'s not avaiwable on blu ray! " he cracks me up!