Sunday, August 24, 2008
Ethan's 1!!!
A few weeks ago we had a little party for Ethan's 1st birthday. We invited a few families that are close to us and his Aunt, Uncle and Cousins of course. It was lots of fun. We had a little construction theme going on, which was funny considering that he is so DEstructive. But, it was cute and we had a great time. Here are some pictures that say it all...
He got a little basketball hoop from Nana and Grumpy Lopez. He was pretty happy with it. He still plays with it a lot. The kids in the backround are Brendon and Eddison Williams. A family we've become close to here.

This is a picture of the birthday cake. It's just a chocolate cake with a small mound of cake that I took off to give to him to eat. It has little construction vehicles on it. It turned out cute.
Here's the end result of the cake eating. You can't tell, but he does have a decent amount of cake in his hair. (what little he has) because his cousing Payne and Stirling coached him into rubbing his head. It was pretty funny. Obviously the cake made him VERY happy.
Lastly I wanted to post this cute video. Grandma Connie made him a football pillow for his birthday and he loves to play with balls and he loves to snuggle soft things, so he really loved his pillow. It's cute.