Billy, 14, gave a talk in Sacrament meeting on Sunday. He was really nervous and woke up that morning saying he couldn't do it. Jason was so good and talked him through it and wrote down his talk for him and it went so good. He looked so handsome, and was articulate and even went 3 minutes over time. I was so proud!!
Elana, 9, is enjoying opportunities I'm not sure she's ever had before. Piano lessons, part in the primary program, homework assistance, choir at school, field trips, etc. Normal, everyday, 9-year old stuff. I have to say that the three kids right in a row (ages 9, 8, and 7 next month) is a bit of a challenge. Especially the two girls who are either best friends and conspiring together, or sick of each other and trying to get some space. It's fun.
Connie, almost 8, is doing great. She loves having Elana around and is even enjoying having a big brother to get on his nerves (which she really does good at). She and Elana tease him about girls a lot. He really doesn't like it. Connie is improving in her reading and I think it is helping her a little for Elana to be a good reader. Connie is excelling in piano. She really seems to have a natural feel for it. She loves to practice (how long do you think that will last?) and is really doing great!! She's growing more beautiful everyday and we can't believe she's going to be baptized next month!
Kyler is actually struggling with the adjustment. I think it's brought a whole new level of chaos for him to get used to. He's doing well, but whiny a lot. I don't think he could care less about having two more children in the house, but does talk to Billy sometimes. The other night I was sitting in the back porch and he came out and sat with me and talked to me about school. It was just a sweet moment with just he and I. He's a cute and loving boy.
Ethan is a booger. I love that the two extra children go to school all day too, so that I still get my 5 hours of just Ethan time. I love the one-on-one attention I've been able to give him and all of the love I get from him. He's very loving and huggy. We love him. His new thing is playing peek-a-boo with everyone. He puts a blanket on his head and pulls it off and says "a-boo". It's so cute!!
Well, I think that's the latest. Enjoy these few pictures of Billy and Kyler and Ethan. The one of Billy is from his ordination into the office of teacher and the one of the other two boys is from a little ride-on car in Walmart. Ethan loved it!