Last Sunday was Connie's baptism day. She was so excited. Grandma Connie and Granddaddy Tom drove up for the occasion and it turned out to be a really wonderful evening. William said a beautiful prayer to start us off. Then Stirling (my nephew) gave a really beautiful talk on baptism. You could really tell that he had put a lot of thought into it and was really thinking about Connie when he wrote it. It was very mature. Then the baptism happened. She was really into it and you could see her feeling the spirit. Afterwards I asked her how she felt. She said she felt very special. I said it was because she was very special. She looked beautiful.
Then, Aunt Stephanie gave the talk on the Holy Ghost. It was also very good. Connie seemed very intent in her listening to it. Then the confirmation. It was so moving to me to watch my wonderful husband baptism and confirm our daughter. He's a good man, and she is so beautiful and sweet. I felt so blessed!
It was overall a really wonderful evening.