On March 12, 2009, Jason was privileged to receive a very special award. Two years previously, Jason had been called to serve as the Varsity Coach in our ward. A calling that required knowledge he did not have. He jumped into it head first; not really knowing what he was getting himself into (sounds about typical). He gradually learned his duties and began to turn the program around. During that time, he re-engaged the boys in high adventure type activities as well as their Duty to God advancement. His dedication to learning his position and the skills necessary led him to be the first Varsity Coach to become fully trained and even receive a full-paid opportunity to go to Wood Badge (Advanced Scouting Leadership Training) in the late summer of 2008.
Consequently, his service did not go unseen. He was nominated by one of his peers (unbeknownst to him) and then endorsed by the Varsity Team Captain and Team Committee Chair. That resulted in his nomination being sent to the National Office in Texas to be confirmed. In the process, National had to verify information regarding the award that Jason was nominated for. A Varsity Coach being nominated for this award had never been done before. So, it caused additional questions to fly. The more National learned about Jason's dedication and service, the easier it became to finalize out the award.
As a result, Jason Lopez was awarded "the Scoutmaster Award of Merit for service with enthusiasm, wisdom, experience, and understanding resulting in a dynamic Boy Scout Troop operation." While Jason was not leading a Boy Scout Troop at the time of his nomination, we was called as Scoutmaster and released as Varsity Coach in December of 2008. Jason now serves as Scoutmaster for Troop 566 continuing the progress he began as Varsity Coach. In the top picture, Jason has received his citation from the Senior District Executive, Nat Baker, Crossroads of America Council.