Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Evelyn Lianne Lopez


It’s a girl, and this is what her name is.  We are so excited at this news.  She continues to grow up nice and strong and is right on target for her due date, if not a little ahead.  She is active, and beautiful.


Ethan went with us to the ultrasound and he especially liked it.  Jason held his up to the big screen and pointed out different body parts (her leg, arm, head, etc) as the ultrasound happened.  He especially liked hearing her heartbeat.  It was precious, I have to say.  Moments like that make all of the bedrest worth it!

My favorite picture that they took is this next one.  A cute little hand.  Tiny and perfect. All is coming along beautifully and I am halfway done with this ordeal no matter what!  Almost all preemie babies go home from the hospital by their due date, so at 20 weeks, I’m halfway to the end.  We’re hoping that this early detection might enable the Doctors to prolong the process though, and still no sign of the preeclampsia…just hypertension which is manageable.  That’s a good thing.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First Day of School

Well, the first day of school went off with out a hitch… so far.  Connie had to get up so early, and as I predicted she couldn’t sleep.  She was up really early, so she got dress and went back to sleep.  When I woke her up at 6, she was dressed and ready.  She was styling!  Take a look:


I just can’t believe how grown up and beautiful she is looking.  She was both nervous and excited, but I suspect she’ll take a nap when she gets home! Winking smile

We woke up Kyler shortly before her bus came and had a family prayer and then took her to the bus.  She’s so big!


Kyler was up more than an hour early for family prayers, so he was ready in a heartbeat.  I explained that he could rest more, play or go get ready now.  He’s such a little stalwart boy so he chose get ready now and play later.  As he’s heading to get ready Connie is yelling “brush your teeth and DON’T FORGET DEODERANT.  Really Kyler, don’t forget deoderant.”  Then she kneels there for a second and then says “oh my goodness, I forgot deoderant” and runs to her room.  Needless to say, Jason and I got a little laugh this morning. She’s so funny. 

Kyler was ready for school an hour before go time, so he played a lot this morning.  It was nice for him as Ethan was still asleep and Connie was gone, so he got alone time.  Here’s his styling self this morning.  He’s required to wear his blue “Hoosier Road Elementary” shirt on the first day as they sort all the grades out for their classes.


Believe it or not, that is Kyler smiling in the first picture.  Not a true smile of course, but what he does for a picture! LOL

We didn’t get a good picture of him boarding his bus, but he had a good time talking to a neighbor friend while he waited.


I can’t believe how fast they grow up.  Next year I will be putting both kids on the Middle School bus early and Ethan on the bus for Kindergarten.  Wow, cherish every moment.  It flies by!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Jail and the beauty of independent children

So, we’re all just minding our business and cleaning up the house when Ethan declares that his stuffed animals are all bad guys and have to be put in jail.  Here’s his jail solution. 


It’s not the greatest picture, but all of these precious animals are hanging from their feet on a wire shelving unit.  He’s creative, I’ll give him that.

Shortly after that, my children decided to bring in a table for legos and play.  I love that my children are so independent, it has made my life at this point so much easier.  They sat at that table for hours building and attacking things.  It was fun to watch.  We all love legos in our house and Mom especially loves that there is that common interest for them to share.  Aren’t they beautiful? Smile


The baby bump continues…

Well, I’m at 16 weeks now and the baby bump is growing.  I’m starting to put on weight though and my sedentary state doesn’t help that.  Oh well, it will be fun to watch the weight fall off again after the baby is born.  Having felt like I had found a plateau in my weight loss, it is kind of nice to have a new goal again.  Here’s a picture.
