Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Baby Tag!
1. Were you married at the time? yes
2. What were your reactions when you found out you were pregnant? I was VERY excited. I remember being relieved as I was worried it would take a while
3. How old were you? 20
4. How did you find out you were pregnant? home pregnancy test
5. Who did you tell first? We called my mom first.
6. Did you want to find out the sex? yes!
7: Due date? December 12, 2000
8.Did you deliver early or late? 6 weeks early. She was born October 31, 2000
9. Did you have morning sickness? Yes!! I threw up a lot, and a lot of things made me feel sick. A lot of smells bothered me
10. What did you crave? Cheeseburgers. Mexican food!! (REAL mexican food)
11. Who irritated you the most? MY HUSBAND!
12. What was your first child's sex? girl
13. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? 50
14.Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? Yes, I had preeclampsia, developing to eclampsia at the end. It was a pretty big emergency when she was born and she spent 2 weeks in the NICU
15. Where did you give birth? Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in Provo, UT
16. How many hours were you in labor? 24 hours, ending in emergency c-section
17. Who drove you to the hospital? I was already there on hospital bedrest
18. Who watched? My husband
19. Was it natural or c-section? c-section
20. Did you take medicine to ease the pain? epidural - They made me to control my blood pressure
21. How much did your child weigh? 3 pounds, 12 ounces
22. Did your child have any complications? she didn't quite have the suck and swallow reflex, so she had to learn how to eat. Also, a little problem with high bilirubin
23. What did you name him/her? Constance Rebekah
24. How old is your first born today? 7 (and 1/2. She likes the 1/2)
25. First words when you saw the first ultrasound? There were none, it was such a miracle!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Ethan's First Big Boy Bath!! and other news
I just started Bus Driving again. I've forgotten how much I love it. Ethan goes to a friend's house for an hour in the morning and two in the afternoon so that I can do it and I think it's good for both of us. He was beginning to get a bit spoiled and I needed to have that thing that is all mine back. I think we are all happy about it. We prayed a lot about it and I just think that the Lord guided it. Shortly after praying about it, the babies I was sitting didn't need me anymore and then I found out that due to the timing, I could still be contracted. That means that I'm still eligible for benefits and get paid through the summer. Also, because I didn't wait until next year, I don't loose my seniority. Pay scale is judged by seniority and also field trips are deci
ded that way. The Lord was looking out for us!
Well, I think that's all our news for this week. I wish I had taken more pictures this week and could post more. I'll leave with some pictures of Ethan with his little girlfriend. Emma came by to visit this week, which made us both so happy.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Some past Info
After about 4 weeks of bedrest for Preeclampsia I was admitted to the hospital on July 23rd, a Monday. I was 32 weeks pregnant. After a few scares and some extensive ultrasounds it was predicted that Friday that the baby was in distress and we'd be lucky if he would be 3 1/2 pounds. We were very scared by this prospect and so many a priesthood blessing and prayer were given those next few days. On Sunday, July 29th, things took a turn for the worst and my blood pressure would not come done and other symptoms (such as a monstrous headache) presented themselves, so the decision was made to deliver. I was 2 days over 33 weeks pregnant, and scared. Having had the other two children early (34 and 33 weeks on the dot) I sort of knew the ropes, but ultrasounds had shown more distress in this case and that was scary to me. It was a relaxed C-Section as an emergency situation never presented itself and he was born at 6pm. This was the first time I hadn't had an emergency c-section and I was grateful for that experience.
We didn't know the gender yet, which did make the delivery exciting that way. The staff was wonderful and had a lot of fun with it and when they announced it's a boy, tears started to flow. Then, he started to cry. Now, Connie didn't cry when she was born and gave us a big scare. Kyler cried at first and then stopped breathing and had to be resuscitated. Ethan cried and cried and cried. The more he cried the more I cried. Big tears of Joy! Then they announced his weight...4 pounds on the nose. I cried such tears of joy. I know you'd never think you'd be that happy over 4 pounds, but he's my biggest baby thus far and they were predicting 3 1/2 if I was lucky. He did great!!
A little less that 2 weeks later and we were home from the hospital with our VERY healthy preemie. He left the hospital weighing it at 4 lbs and 3 ounces. About 2 weeks later he weighed in at the doctor's office at 6 lbs and 5 ounces. At six months he weighed in at 15 lbs and 13 ounces and we have never been happier for a preemie's development. He doesn't even look like a preemie now.
As for me, I have some permanent damage from the occasion, but all worth it. He is beautiful and a wonderful finish to my baby making career. My cardiologist has strongly suggested no more pregnancies as my heart is showing the damage, and I'm taking that advice. We'll adopt someday, but for now we couldn't be happier with our three beautiful, miracle children!