Ethan is the same old cuteness he has always been. He's getting more and more mobile and thus is more and more of a brute. He is everywhere and into everything. I'm sure that my mother is happy to know that he is a climber and gets to whatever he wants that way. He's the most determined little person. He hardly ever cries when he can't get to something, he just keeps trying until he does it. It's pretty funny.

To continue the pictures of our children on the caching trip, we have Ethan doing what he was doing almost the entire time. Sleeping. Jason carried him in this hiking backpack carrier and he promptly fell asleep. He was so tired and apparently that carrier is comfortable. We had to try to stuff blankets around him so his little neck was not crooked the wrong way.

Ethan loves to be outside. As is the case with most babies. For a long while there he hated the feel of grass. It was great because I could put him on a blanket outside with a few toys and it would be like a playpen. This one beautiful day we sat outside while Daddy was grilling some hamburgers. We love summer cooking as Daddy does a lot of it on the grill. He's very good at it!!

In final catching up with Ethan news, he is getting marvelously close to walking. I'm actually getting excited about the walking because I hate to let him crawl around a lot outside because I don't want his poor little knees to get skinned up on the concrete. He has this little dump truck toy that he pushes around. It's so cute. Enjoy the picture and the video. I apologize for the token mom "what are you thinking" comment to my other children. They are not supposed to be jumping on the furniture at all and they know it!! :)