This fourth of July we had a chance to go to the Symphony on the Prairie here in Fishers. It's held here at a place called Connor prairie, which is sort of like a history museum. There are some reinactments of historical towns and such. It was really fun. We brought in a picnic dinner and enjoyed the evening rain-free, which was lucky!

There a the sympony they had an Instrument Petting Zoo. It was cool, you could try out all differnt types of instruments. Kyler played a violin, but I didn't have the camara yet when he did that. So, here are some pictures of the kids trying out some of the different percussion instruments.

Ethan just enjoyed being outside and flirting with people who were around. He was really cute the entire evening.

The one frustrating things about Ethan was that he kept climbing into the chairs. We have these wonderful chairs that are backpacks.

It was great because the older kids going carry their own chairs on their backs. They aren't the most stable though so we had to keep a grip on them when Ethan climbed in. He's such a climber.

The evening ended with The 1812 Overture with real cannons and then with a patriotic medley with fireworks. Needless to say this was a little disconcerting for our very noise-sensitive Kyler.

We weren't sure how Ethan was going to do with the fireworks either, but we had barely changed him into his pajamas and then laid him down in his carseat with a bottle when they started. He didn't even care, he just laid there and watched.Kyler, on the other hand, was not so good about it. The good thing was we were prepared for this and brought his headphones and my iPod. He enjoyed some music while watching the show. He only freaked out at the end with the finale. It was pretty loud even for me, so you can imagine how he reacted.

This is a horrible picture of me, but funny of Kyler and how he was (not)watching the finale. It was pretty spectacular and made for a very enjoyable evening. Enjoy the brief video of the final fireworks for the evening.