So, my kids are so old now!! They are happily adjusting to this hard year of bringing another sibling into our lives and so graciously sacrificing birthday parties and other fun things that mom usually does.
For Kyler's birthday we just had Stephanie and her family over here for dinner. He wanted pizza for dinner, so we got Papa Murphy's and saved it for Sunday for dinner. Easy, and it made Kyler happy. My sister generously made him a large cookie (at his request) for his birthday cake and he got to open a few gifts.
I can't believe he is a mere two years from holding the priesthood. When did I get that old?
Here are some pictures.

He had to open gifts first. This gift came from his primary teacher, who is the best ever!! She gave him a variety of fun things, but this was the coolest in my opinion and it made Kyler happy too. At the beginning of the year she asked what his favorite animal was and he said cat. So, for his birthday, she gave him some of these ceramic cats that she had when she was a girl. So special!

Christian and Stephanie and fam gave him some camping gear because he is going to be camping more as a scout now. He is actually really excited to get out there and use it! That being said "it's too cold to go camping". He needs to learn a thing or two about scouting! :)

Jason took Ethan shopping with him on that Friday to get gifts from the Lego store as that is a big obsession in our house. Kyler got home from school that day and the first thing Ethan says is "KYLER, WE GOT YOU LEGO NINJAGO FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY!" I guess taking the 4 year old shopping for that was a mistake! Later on, Kyler says to Jason "You know dad, you shouldn't have left that receipt out because now I know exactly what set you bought me." So much for birthday surprises in our house, ha ha!

Here's Daddy with the big cookie. He was funny with the candles. They added up to 10! :)