Friday, February 18, 2011

Iced In!!!

We spent the first of February with the ice storm of doom.  On Monday night we started having freezing rain.  I had a field trip that got changed a bit to try to beat the coming storm, so they had someone else drive the students to their basketball game (it was from one school in our district to another) and it was my responsibility to drive them home.  So, I planned on leaving at a certain time as they had told me about 7:30. I get a phone call from my boss at about 6:30 saying they cancelled their other game and could I go get them. I agreed and said I was only five minutes from work.  Well, technically that is true, but it took me 10 minutes to get the already 1/2 inch ice off of my car so that I could drive over there. Then it took me 20 minutes to get it off my bus (and stay off my bus as it kept refreezing). When I finally got there to take the students back, all the students had gone home with their parents so I ended up only transporting the coach back to the school. She was really nice and it turned out she didn’t have a scraper, so I helped her scrape the ice off her car.  It took me 45 minutes to drive 10 miles back to the bus garage, then another 10 minutes to clean another 1/4 inch of ice off my car again. I was EXHAUSTED when I got home. 


We ended up getting about 4 inches of pure ice.  Above is a picture of my yard. I’m not kidding, this is my front yard.  Completely covered in ice. When you step on it you don’t sink.  Even if you jump, or as I found out quickly if you fall.


This is a picture of the ground around my van after freeing it of the ice.  See that big chunk, INCREDIBLE!

sarah ice

I was on the search for the thickest piece of ice that I could get free.  I started with the swings on the swing set and it was pretty thick. Then I found this, out of a camping chair we left outside. I was pretty proud of myself, until…


I found this!!!  This is a huge chunk of ice freed from my slide! AMAZING!


I had to take this one as it cracked me up so much.  This is a mountain of ice that wraps around the back parking lot at work.  You can see that it towers over that SUV.  It was huge!! So funny.