The family picture is the heading on the blog now. I just love the one of Evie. That big red flower is the best!! :)
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Family Pictures
The family picture is the heading on the blog now. I just love the one of Evie. That big red flower is the best!! :)
Monday, October 1, 2012
Kyler's Pack Meeting
Friday, September 28, 2012
Where's Evie?
She is changing everyday. It is so amazing. The other day she got her top two teeth as well, so now she has this adorable little 4 tooth smile. I love it!
She is pretty great!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Why does the last grow the fastest?
Monday, September 24, 2012
The TARDIS wished me a Happy Birthday!
As promised my buddy Nathan took me out to lunch. I took a dear friend with me that had a little boy about the same time that I had Evelyn. She has two little boys and they are a delight!! I invited her because she wanted to get to know Nathan better as her little boy also has been diagnosed with UP syndrome. (I still think "down" is wrong. I know it is after a person, but it is just not what describes it correctly) There oldest is 3 and is hilarious!! He is SUPER cute. And her baby is squeezable. He makes you want to kiss him again and again. As usually Nathan was extremely uplifting. He always lifts my spirits.
My kids were so funny today. Ethan told EVERYONE that today was his mom's birthday. A dear friend came to bring me a gift and as she walked up with the gift in her hand, he said, "today's my mom's birthday." Thank you Captain Obvious. I just laughed. Connie texted me as she is just a little to obsessed with her phone, and then after running to the store with her dad brought me a frozen coke and said "happy birthday, mom." Sadly, it was the perfect gift! Kyler got on the bus this afternoon and I asked him if he had choir today. He said, yes, but he wanted to come home with me because it was my birthday. So sweet. I didn't have the heart to tell him it might have been nice to have the peace and quiet, rather than he and Ethan fighting on the bus. Thankfully, they were good and didn't fight. I just made Evie give me extra kisses.
I have a wonderful husband. It's hard for him to top everyday life when he strives to keep me on a pedestal all the time, but he did do extra today to take care of kids and clean up a bit. I love that he treats me like a queen all of the time. It is little things like getting the door for me, or helping me lift stuff, or jumping to my aid when I am doing something difficult. He always speaks to me respectfully and doesn't raise his voice to me ever. I love being married to such a gentlemen. It especially warms my heart that he is teaching our boys to be such gentlemen. I need to be better about teaching our girls to allow them to be. I'm not very good at that. I'm glad he is persistent! :)
We had a lovely Family Home Evening together talking about the Holy Sabbath and keeping it holy then danced a bit on the Wii. One of my favorite things to do. I love to get into a competition with Kyler. He is good, it is difficult to beat him.
My niece came by today and brought me some shoes that she painted for me. I recently got into watching Dr. Who. I love that show. It is the perfect mix of SciFi and comedy. I could watch it all day. For those of you that have not seen the show, the Doctor flies around time and space in his TARDIS, (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) his spaceship. It looks like an old police telephone box. Knowing I love it, and because I have her addicted too, she made me some TARDIS shoes for my birthday. I'm so going to purposefully plan my outfit around them tomorrow!! :)
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Be Still and Know that I am God
When I was pregnant with Ethan and laying down for long hours in a hospital bed in a tiny little pre-partum room I would listen to this song and pray for strength. I always received it. I felt that message loud and clear. Be Still. He is always there. So, I have been holding on to this sheet music for that long. I have pondered on men I could sing it with, and while I was on bed rest with Evie, a new family moved in and his voice was perfect. My dear friend would FaceTime me on my iPad so I could enjoy things like the Christmas Program and my new friend Mark sang there. I knew then that his voice was perfect. It was every bit as beautiful as I imagined it would be and several people told me I sang it just for them. I thought to myself, "nope, I sang it just for me." I love it when music touches the soul like that and it is always a great privilege to be a voice for the Lord to allow the spirit to be felt.
Tomorrow I turn 33. It's funny, my dad once said that you always feel like you are 18, and I believe him. My body doesn't feel 18, but my mind definitely does. It blows my mind sometimes to ponder on my 4 beautiful children and my fantastic husband. Wasn't I just 18? Time flies far too quickly.
A funny note. In Sacrament meeting we were about to sing the sacrament hymn and I was frantically writing the words to my special music for the interpretters (we have a few deaf members) and my kids had their phone and ipod, so they both looked up the hymn on that and held it for me. I had already bookmarked the page in the hymnbook I was using so I flipped it open. I leaned to Connie and said... "There is this new thing...Maybe you have heard of it, but it is so new I'm afraid you haven't. It is called a HYMNBOOK. It is great for singing and reading music..." I couldn't even finish we were laughing so hard. So funny.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
The First Day of Fall, why I love it here!
As I watch the seasons and anticipate coming holidays I can't help but reflect on last year at this time. I was on full bedrest with my fourth baby that I really hadn't planned to have. The Lord knew me better than I know myself and I have been transformed into what I hope is a better woman through the process. I also got this beautiful little girl out if it! Fall is my favorite season with Halloween and Thanksgiving around the corner and one of the hardest things for me last year was giving up on doing those things that I love to do. Bake, decorate, make fun costume, trick or treat, cook all day, eat half the day, and enjoy family and friends. I am so looking forward to this year!
My niece, Camden, and I have gotten a booth at a craft fair this year. We initially tried to get in, but were put on a waiting list. We were informed that there was a cancellation, so we are frantically getting shoes and bags done. I am sewing some purses, nursing covers, and car seat canopies to sell. I will also have some samples of my baking and my cards for future orders. She will be selling her custom painted shoes, which I am sure will be the hit of the day. She is amazingly talented! I just sit and watch her paint with amazement. It takes her no time at all to do what would take me all day to do! She is amazing! Below are some pictures of her work
Friday, September 21, 2012
Why "Down Syndrome"? There is nothing down about it!

Friday, August 10, 2012
A growing girl!!
Evie is growing so fast! She has already mastered sitting feeding herself finger foods, and new she is trying to crawl. It is so amazing how quickly they develop at this age. She loves her daddy, as seen below, but remains a mommy's girl. :-)
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Wedding Reception
A dear friend of mine who I am lucky enough to visit teach, asked for my help to decorate for her son's reception. It was all very last minute, but I felt like it turned out pretty well. Judge for yourself.
Long Time, No Post
So, my new phone has a more app just for the blog. Hopefully this will result in many being a little better about posting.
A random picture in the meantime. The other day Evelyn was sitting playing and our motherly kitty laid down next to her. Evie pet (more like smacked) her some and just played away. So cute!